Baseball Complex Improvement Bonds
City of Hot Springs
City of Hot Springs
Special Election on September 10, 2019, open to all Registered Voters residing in the City of Hot Springs, AR
Bonds of the City of Hot Springs in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $8,500,000 for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping a new baseball complex, including particularly, without limitation, new fields, concession area and restrooms and any drainage, utility, sidewalk, signage, lighting and parking improvements related thereto. The bonds will be payable from a pledge of all or a portion of collections of the existing 3% tax levied by the City upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds from motels, hotels, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias and similar establishments within the City. The proceeds of the bonds will also be used to provide a debt service reserve and pay costs of issuing the bonds.
Bonds of the City of Hot Springs in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $8,500,000 for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping a new baseball complex, including particularly, without limitation, new fields, concession area and restrooms and any drainage, utility, sidewalk, signage, lighting and parking improvements related thereto. The bonds will be payable from a pledge of all or a portion of collections of the existing 3% tax levied by the City upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds from motels, hotels, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias and similar establishments within the City. The proceeds of the bonds will also be used to provide a debt service reserve and pay costs of issuing the bonds.