Preferential Primary, Annual School and Nonpartisan General Elections
Click here for a list of Opposed Candidates in the order they will be listed on the ballot.
Click here for a list of Unopposed Candidates that will not appear on the ballot.
NOTE: School Board Candidates will appear on all ballots.
Notice of Election, including Polling Sites and Candidates / Offices on ballot.
Vote Center Locations - Any Registered Voter in Garland County may vote at any open location.
(See Notice of Election for Addresses and times)
Hot Springs Mall Location
"Allows you to view all 3 ballots, Democrat (D), Republican (R), or Nonpartisan (NP). School Districts are listed on all styles.
Click here for a list of Unopposed Candidates that will not appear on the ballot.
NOTE: School Board Candidates will appear on all ballots.
Notice of Election, including Polling Sites and Candidates / Offices on ballot.
Vote Center Locations - Any Registered Voter in Garland County may vote at any open location.
(See Notice of Election for Addresses and times)
Hot Springs Mall Location
"Allows you to view all 3 ballots, Democrat (D), Republican (R), or Nonpartisan (NP). School Districts are listed on all styles.